Sunday, November 8, 2009

Maybe He's Not the One

Wondering if.....maybe he's not the one?

Perhaps a friend or confidant has posed this question to you? Odds are... they haven't. No one is willing to say it but at some point, after you've complained and pondered the future of your current endeavor, the thought should come to mind....Maybe He's Not The One!

Women are constantly searching, trying on for size every shoe they can find (usually in a discount warehouse) (It offers more of a selection) ;) Unfortunately when all around have confirmed that they really like this one; he's a keeper; don't screw this up; etc, has gone on and on...what if you're left quietly thinking to yourself, "Maybe He's Not The One".

When the thought occurs, don't push it away. Embrace it and realize, you may be settling. All the empowerment you had in your past seems lost at this point. Hold on tight as we will discover together how to determine if....He's Not The One


Double Income No Kids

By Definition: DINK is used to describe a high-earning couple who are therefore able to afford a more expensive consumer lifestyle than those with families.

Ever wonder if the grass is REALLY greener on the other side? Run a quick GOOGLE search on "Marriage was a mistake" and you'll never see an opposition post. The first several pages are those who will kindly explain that it just simply, "Wasn't worth it". Many have children from a previous relationship or marriage and relay that being single is the best option.

Ever tired of hearing your friends endlessly complain about their children, yet can't shut up about how Jimmy & Janie just ate their peas or sneezed or did something completely uneventful yet it makes the front page news of their life?

I've discovered that in having children, my friends have become droids & voids of their intellectual ambitious selves who were attached to the real world at some point and lived in reality wanting to be productive contributing citizens.

Welcome to my blog :)